Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados

Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados

Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados

Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados

Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados
Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados
Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados
Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados
Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados
Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados
Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados
Tasty Buds | Foodies, Chefs, Eateries, Restaurants  | The Aficionados

Tasty Buds

Mavericks, tattooed masters, happy hens, ancient flavours, a sprinkling of stars and a profound reverence for localness intro you to the world of foodie heroes.  From insanely popular eateries whereby people regularly traverse the Alps or sail into the Mediterranean just to sit down at their tables to humble heroics where simplicity is made special, infused with cleverness and creativity. These foodie legends curate deliciousness in every form – this is not just farm-to-table; it's a riot of flavours. Meet the hunters, gatherers and creators who delve into the depths of the forests, dig up wild truffles and plate up the traditional with twisted imagination.

Join the self-confessed foodies, lovers of great taste, pioneers of gastro, and the makers of wines, honey, olive oil, and chocolate.