Jacomet Skis | Performance Equipment Switzerland | The Aficionados
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The sweet spot between sustainability and innovation describes the components that make up Jacomet Ski, designed and created by Simon Jacomet in Switzerland.

A feel of lightness with the ability to glide over the mountains defines Jacomet Skis. Made with precision, intelligence and a thoughtful consciousness, Simon Jacomet is on a mission to refine every detail of the ski-making process, with as little waste as possible, using the most sustainable materials he can.

Innovations include a compound of bio-resin and linen fibres made from renewable raw materials (to be used instead of glue), a patented algae-oil based carbon fibre, ancient granite and ash wood instead of plastic for the ski sidewalls (which sit over the edges and under the top sheet). With three different types of skis for different purposes and conditions, Jacomet’s innovation shows that being sustainable does not have an impact on performance. ‘Catta!’ has masterful control over snow, ‘noda!’ Is great for turns and ‘saulta!’ dances through deep snow.  

Any waste from the ski-making process is created into thoughtfully designed pieces such as armchairs made from regional spruce wood and leftover recycled polyethylene.

Born in the Surselva region, Simon Jacomet had an early obsession with the mystery of the mountains and began skiing at a young age. As he grew older, he was able to make a living from skiing, teaching and also becoming part of the Swiss Snow Demo Team then working as a technical trainer in the Ski World Cup. This gave him a deeper understanding of how skis work and the innovative needed to gain better performance. The natural next step was to work within development, which he did so for Völkl and Salomon Ski, later working more intricately with ski making as co-founder and head of development for zai Ski in Disentis. Branching out on his own in his workshop in Rabius, now he develops and produces skis using his own modus operandi following his admirable environmentally-friendly values to create a holistic ski business.

Fly down the slopes like an arrow on Jacomet skies, designed with sustainability in mind from one of the best brains in ski production.

Simon Jacomet making his wooden Ski | Performance Equipment Switzerland | The Aficionados
Jacomet Skis | Performance Equipment Switzerland | The Aficionados Jacomet Skis | Performance Equipment Switzerland | The Aficionados


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