Nissos Beer Tinos | Crafted Cyclades Brewery, Greece | The Aficionados
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Nissos Beer

In tune with Tinos’ slow-living, high-quality values, Nissos Beer is brewed on the island using a natural process and carefully selected ingredients.

Known as the only beers in the world to have a high quantity of antioxidants, Nissos beers are free of chemicals and preservatives, and have made it their modus operandi to create the cleanest beer possible using superior ingredients. In fact, there are only four ingredients used to brew beer, but Nissos focus on sourcing the best they can, including malts from Greece, good quality hops, filtered water and carefully cultivated yeast.

The result is a range of six bottled beers and cans which all benefit from a rich aroma and great taste – from the light, lower-alcohol Nissos organic ‘All Day’ and the clean-tasting ‘Pure Lager’ to more heavyweight beers such as ‘7 Beaufort’ – a dark beer melded with notes of coffee and caramel. 

An independent, family-run brewery in Tinos, Nissos is full of heart and soul. Co-founded by Maya Tsoclis and Alexandros Kouris, it was always a dream to own a brewery. When the pair discovered each other, and Tinos, it was serendipity put in place. 

Despite the Greek financial crisis, Alexandros Kouris decided to use his background in tourism, food and beverage to bring their dream to life. With journalist Maya Tsoclis’s strong communication skills and vision, the brewery took shape, employing a team from the very locale, to as far away as the UK, curating a group of people who would become one big family, with a shared vision for really great beer, without compromise.

Today they like to share their passion and knowledge – visit for tastings in innovative locations like the candlelit cellar of a 17th century monastery.

Beer is back! Riding alongside nicely with the craft beer revolution, natural Nissos beers are the perfect accompaniment to hot, sunny days on Tinos.

Nissos Beer Tinos | Crafted Cyclades Brewery, Greece | The Aficionados
Nissos Beer Tinos | Crafted Cyclades Brewery, Greece | The Aficionados Nissos Beer Tinos | Crafted Cyclades Brewery, Greece | The Aficionados