Monocle QLC Conference 2024 Istanbul | Culture, Design & Current Affairs
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Monocle Quality of Life 2024 – Be there

Istanbul is the new venue for a QLC rendezvous full of engagements, meet-ups, and creative fusions, and it is one annual gathering we don’t like to miss. Staged in Türkiye, The Monocle Quality of Life Conference 2024, now in its ninth year, is in the diary for a spot of inspiration, a meeting of minds, and old-fashioned socialising. It is headed up by our favourite media brand, Monocle, founded by Tyler Brûlé of Winkreative.

Mid-October (Thursday 10 to Saturday 12 October 2024) sees the gathering of architects, politicians, designers, civic planners, thinkers & makers, entrepreneurs, journalists, and captains of industry from logistics to fashion, hospitality to the people who see a different course for a better way of doing things - the Quality of Life Conference along the shoreline of the Bosporus. The conference runs over a couple of intensive days in the seductive heritage city of Istanbul, the perfect intercontinental backdrop for global nomads to convene. Like all good conferences, The Monocle Quality of Life shindig is a thoughtfully curated mix of inspirational speakers, Monocle editors and delegates who join forces to enjoy content on a range of subjects from business and culture to urbanism and current affairs.

There is plenty to take on board from thought-provoking talks, engaging interviews and interactive panel conversations, which tend to spill over into networking time: this is a chance to chat life with your fellow comrades and bright minds.

The Monocle Quality of Life Conference draws a creative crowd who are open-minded and ready to hear new ideas, discuss innovative trends, and enjoy gentle debate. Normally, around 200 delegates are in attendance, and there are always ribbons of positivity running through it, creating a sense of uplift and energy that you can then feel free to disperse within your own businesses and communities.

Magic happens with smaller interactions, such as a like-minded soul, a kindred friendship forged, or a new idea germinating from a seedling. We expect all this and more from The Monocle Quality of Life gathering this fall in Türkiye.

Life-changing, engaging, serious, uplifting, human, and sometimes both sad and humorous, this is the conference for those who like to think and be outside the box. 


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